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Lèirmheas Cuimseach Steam Deck: Cumhachd Gaming PC so-ghiùlain

Blogaichean Gaming | Ùghdar: Mazen (Mithrie) Turkmani Ùraichte: Jan 08, 2025 An ath- Previous

Is the Steam Deck worth your investment as a handheld gaming PC? In our comprehensive review, we dive into the Steam Deck’s performance, game library, and unique features, as a Steam machine without the fluff. Find out if this device stands out in the crowded field of portable gaming.

Na prìomh ghiùlan-bidhe

Àicheadh: Tha na ceanglaichean a tha air an toirt seachad an seo nan ceanglaichean ceangailte. Ma roghnaicheas tu an cleachdadh, is dòcha gum faigh mi coimisean bho neach-seilbh an àrd-ùrlair, gun chosgais a bharrachd dhut. Tha seo a’ cuideachadh le bhith a’ toirt taic don obair agam agus a’ leigeil leam cumail a’ toirt seachad susbaint luachmhor. Tapadh leat!

Cumhachd Gaming Gluasadach

Modail Steam Deck OLED a ’taisbeanadh scrion agus smachdan an inneil

The Steam Deck is not just another handheld console—it’s a handheld gaming PC gaming with gamepad controls unleashed. With specs that rival many desktops, it’s no surprise that the Steam Deck is turning heads in the gaming community. Its advanced hardware, exemplified by the generous 16 GB LPDDR5 RAM and the choice between a 512GB or a 1TB NVMe SSD, makes it a formidable contender in the realm of portable devices.

Ach is e an rud a tha dha-rìribh a’ suidheachadh an Deic bho chèile a choileanadh nas fheàrr, eadhon nuair a thèid a chuir ri taobh luchd-bualaidh trom mar an Nintendo Switch. Tha an cumhachd amh a bheir e gu bhith a’ cluich gheamannan air an gluasad dìreach gun samhail.

Èifeachdach AMD APU

The efficient custom APU from AMD lies at the core of the Steam Deck’s superior performance, and internal components are a synergistic combination of a quad-core CPU and an RDNA 2 GPU. This powerhouse is capable of reaching clock speeds up to 3.5GHz for the CPU and 1.6GHz for the GPU, ensuring that pc gaming on the Steam Deck is a smooth, visually stunning experience.

Tha an siostam seo air a innleachadh gus barrachd air coileanadh gu leòr a lìbhrigeadh airson geamannan co-aimsireil, a’ cothromachadh cleachdadh cumhachd agus gineadh teas gu h-èifeachdach. Is e an toradh seo aithris gluasad iongantach agus coileanadh ruith geama a tha a’ faireachdainn an dà chuid siùbhlach agus freagairteach.

Stòradh NVMe SSD

Bidh stòradh NVMe SSD aig Steam Deck ag atharrachadh gèamadh, far a bheil astar air leth cudromach. Tha amannan luchdaidh luath-dealanach, agus tha freagairteachd an t-siostaim gun samhail, le taing don stòradh àrd-astar a tha comasach air suas ri 3000MB/s astaran leughaidh sreath. Tha NVMe SSDs nan leum air adhart bhon stòradh eMMC a lorgar ann an innealan-làimhe eile, a’ toirt àrdachadh mòr ann an astaran leughaidh is sgrìobhaidh.

Tha seo a’ ciallachadh gu bheil geamannan chan ann a-mhàin a’ luchdachadh gu sgiobalta ach cuideachd a’ ruith gu rèidh, agus le roghainnean stòraidh suas gu 512GB, tha àite gu leòr anns an leabharlann smùid agad airson pailteas thiotalan, a’ gabhail a-steach cruinneachadh a’ phrìomh cheannard, airson geamannan a luchdachadh sìos.

Roghainnean taisbeanaidh: LCD vs OLED

Coimeas eadar taisbeanaidhean LCD agus OLED

When it comes to display technology, the Steam Deck doesn’t hold back. With both LCD and OLED versions available, gamers can choose the visual experience that suits them best. The OLED model, in particular, stands out for its lighter weight and enhanced visuals, offering a superior color gamut, better viewing angles, and deeper blacks compared to the standard LCD model.

Gun iomradh a thoirt, tha beatha bataraidh nas fheàrr aig an OLED Steam Deck, a’ tabhann 30-50% barrachd sùgh na an co-aoisean LCD, a’ dèanamh cinnteach gun urrainn dhut geamannan oled deic smùid a chluich nas fhaide.

Chì thu lèirmheas coitcheann mu LED vs LCD an seo:
OLED vs LED LCD: dè an teicneòlas taisbeanaidh as fheàrr?

Meud taisbeanaidh trastain

The Steam Deck offers a 7-inch screen size, acknowledging the critical role of diagonal display size in enhancing the gaming experience. on the standard model and an upgraded 7.4-inch screen on the OLED version. Both offer a 1280 x 800 resolution, ensuring that games look crisp and that the larger picture on the OLED screen doesn’t compromise on image quality.

A bharrachd air an sin, le taisbeanaidhean le comas suathaidh, tha a bhith a’ seòladh chlàran-bìdh agus ag eadar-obrachadh le geamannan intuitive agus siùbhlach.

Dathan nas soilleire agus dubhan fìor-ghlan

Tha an taisbeanadh OLED air leth math ann a bhith a’ toirt seachad eòlas lèirsinneach den chiad ìre. Bidh dathan nas soilleire agus dubh fìor-ghlan a’ toirt seachad iomsgaradh iongantach agus soilleireachd sgoinneil, a’ toirt gheamannan gu solas ùr.

Le gamut dath farsaing a tha a ’còmhdach 110 sa cheud de DCI-P3 agus taic airson HDR, bidh an scrion OLED a’ toirt air a h-uile geama pop le ìomhaighean beòthail, fiùghantach a tha gu bhith a ’glacadh gamer sam bith.

Siostam-obrachaidh deic smùide: SteamOS 3

Eadar-aghaidh cleachdaiche SteamOS 3 a’ taisbeanadh an deas-bhòrd gèam

Seachad air bathar-cruaidh, tha an Steam Deck a’ nochdadh comas iongantach tron ​​​​t-siostam obrachaidh aige, an SteamOS 3. Stèidhichte air Arch Linux agus a ’nochdadh àrainneachd deasg KDE Plasma 5, tha SteamOS 3 a’ tabhann àrd-ùrlar tèarainte is seasmhach le film tòiseachaidh sònraichte a tha air a dhealbhadh airson gèamadh. Bidh ùrachaidhean leantainneach a’ cumail an siostam ùr agus freagairteach, fhad ‘s a tha siostam faidhle so-ruigsinneach, ach a-mhàin eòlaire dachaigh an neach-cleachdaidh, a’ dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil eòlas cluich is coimpiutaireachd làidir ann.

A bharrachd air an sin, le bhith a’ toirt a-steach Gamescope, microcompositor, àrdaichidh e coileanadh gèam air an Steam Deck, agus faodaidh luchd-cleachdaidh làn eòlas deasg a mhealtainn leis an àrainneachd deasg KDE Plasma 5.

Co-fhreagarrachd geama

The Steam Deck shines in its game compatibility handling a vast array of steam games, thanks to Proton, a compatibility layer that enables Windows-based games to run seamlessly on the Linux-powered device. Games like the Skyrim Special Edition and Forza Horizon work very well on the platform.

Tha seo a’ ciallachadh gu bheil eadhon tiotalan mar Hitman 3 agus Doom Eternal chan ann a-mhàin ag obair air an Deic ach gun urrainn dhaibh cuideachd coileanadh nas fheàrr a nochdadh an taca ris na co-aoisean Windows aca.

Eadar-aghaidh càirdeil do chleachdaiche

The user interface of the Steam Deck contributes significantly to its appeal. The operating system’s interface is a familiar extension of the desktop version of Steam, complete with indicators for battery life and wireless connectivity. Moreover, controller support is fully integrated, providing a console-like user experience that’s accessible even when you’re on the move.

Beatha bataraidh agus riaghladh cumhachd

Adaptor Steam Deck AC a ’nochdadh roghainnean riaghlaidh cumhachd

The Steam Deck excels in one of the main areas of concern for any portable device - power efficiency and battery life. On average, users can expect around 6 hours of gameplay, which can extend up to seven or eight hours for lighter activities like web browsing or playing less demanding games. Furthermore, simple tweaks, such as reducing the screen frame rate to 30 FPS or lowering in-game resolution, can significantly enhance the battery duration without dramatically altering the gaming experience.

Bataraidh nas motha

Tha am modal OLED den Steam Deck a’ tabhann na leasachaidhean a leanas:

Pròifilean Coileanaidh a ghabhas atharrachadh

With customizable performance profiles and performance tuning, the Steam Deck enables users to tailor their gaming experience. These settings allow gamers to adjust the frame rate limit and other parameters, optimizing power consumption and performance for each individual game or globally across all titles.

Tha am modh Bataraidh Saver na fheart air leth feumail, ag atharrachadh shuidheachaidhean gu fèin-ghluasadach gus beatha bataraidh nas fheàrr a choileanadh fhad ‘s a chumas e coileanadh airson geamannan nach eil cho cruaidh.

Leudachadh air Leabharlann Steam

Leudachadh air an leabharlann Steam leis an Steam Deck

The Original Steam Deck evolves to accommodate your expanding game library. Developers can take advantage of a game-specific API to ensure their titles run optimally on the device, making it a popular choice among steam decks.

Agus dhaibhsan a tha airson cruinneachadh mòr de gheamannan a ghiùlan, tha an roghainn cairt 1TB SD a chleachdadh airson stòradh a bharrachd na fheart fàilte.

Geamannan a ' luchdadh a-nuas

Luchdaich a-nuas geamannan air smùid

Tha sùbailteachd an Steam Deck cuideachd ri fhaicinn anns na comasan riaghlaidh geama aige. Tha an comas geamannan stàlaichte a ghluasad bho PC gu Steam Deck thairis air lìonra ionadail a’ tabhann grunn bhuannachdan:

Bidh am feart innleachdach seo chan ann a-mhàin a’ sàbhaladh ùine ach bidh e cuideachd a’ leasachadh an eòlas cluich agad, gu sònraichte ann an geamannan mar Monster Hunter Rise.

Docking and Connectivity

Seamless Integration with Peripherals

The Steam Deck’s docking station is a game-changer for those who want to elevate their portable PC gaming experience. This docking station allows for seamless integration with a variety of peripherals, making it incredibly easy to connect to external displays, wired networking, USB peripherals, and power. Imagine transforming your Steam Deck into a desktop gaming PC—perfect for playing games on a larger screen or using a keyboard and mouse for a more immersive experience. Whether you’re at home or on the go, the docking station ensures that your gaming setup is always ready for action.

Expanding Functionality with Docking

The Steam Deck’s docking station doesn’t just stop at basic connectivity; it significantly expands the device’s functionality. By connecting to external displays, you can enjoy your favorite Steam games on a larger screen, bringing your gaming experience to a whole new level. The wired networking option provides a stable and fast internet connection, crucial for those intense multiplayer sessions. Additionally, the USB peripherals option allows you to connect your favorite gaming accessories, such as controllers, headsets, and keyboards, making the Steam Deck a versatile and powerful gaming hub. This expanded functionality ensures that your Steam library is always at your fingertips, ready to deliver an unparalleled gaming experience.

Coileanadh cluiche

Frame Rates and Resolution

When it comes to gaming performance, the Steam Deck stands out as a powerhouse in the realm of portable PC gaming. Thanks to its custom APU, optimized specifically for handheld gaming, the Steam Deck is capable of delivering high frame rates and resolutions. This means you can run the latest AAA games at impressive frame rates and resolutions, providing a smooth and immersive gaming experience. Whether you’re diving into the fast-paced action of Monster Hunter Rise or reliving the epic battles in the Master Chief Collection, the Steam Deck ensures that every game runs flawlessly. Its ability to handle high frame rates and resolutions makes it an ideal device for gamers who demand top-tier performance on the go. With the Steam Deck, your Steam library is not just portable; it’s powerful.

Cluich Stable air-loidhne

Cluich geamannan ioma-chluiche air-loidhne air an Steam Deck

Tha ceangal Wi-Fi nas fheàrr anns a’ mhodal OLED a’ toirt seachad:

Whether you’re teaming up with friends or competing against rivals, the Steam Deck’s stable online gaming ensures you’re always in the game.

Eag-shiostam Steam Deck: Taic Coimhearsnachd is Treas Pàrtaidh

Community and third-party support shape the rich and diverse gaming ecosystem of the Steam Deck. Customizable control inputs, including touchpads and triggers, cater to individual gaming preferences. Integrated Steam features like user profiles, cloud saving, and Remote Play enhance the connectedness of the platform.

Agus leis an aonad doca sùbailte, faodaidh an Steam Deck a bhith gu furasta mar phàirt de shuidheachadh cluich aonaichte, a’ ceadachadh ceanglaichean ri taisbeanaidhean taobh a-muigh agus stòran cumhachd airson eòlas eadhon nas bogadh.

Faodaidh tu cuideachd cùis giùlain deasachadh cuibhrichte a cheannach le lìnigeadh a ghabhas toirt air falbh, pasgan pròifil Steam.


Embarking on a journey with the Steam Deck reveals a portable gaming device that’s not just cutting-edge in terms of portable PC gaming but also a pioneer in creating a versatile, connected gaming ecosystem. From its powerful hardware to the vibrant OLED display, from the expansive Steam library to the supportive community, the Steam Deck stands as a testament to what the future of gaming looks like—unrestricted, dynamic, and always within reach.

Ceistean Bitheanta

An urrainn don Steam Deck a h-uile geama Steam a ruith?

Yes, the Steam Deck offers excellent game compatibility and can run most Windows-based games using Proton on SteamOS 3, and some games may even perform better than on Windows.

Ciamar a tha modal OLED den Steam Deck ag adhartachadh beatha bataraidh?

The OLED model of the Steam Deck improves battery life by featuring a larger 50Wh battery capacity, providing 30-50% longer battery life than the original model, allowing for extended gameplay sessions.

An urrainn dhomh na roghainnean coileanaidh airson gach geama air an Steam Deck a ghnàthachadh?

Yes, you can customize the performance settings for each game on the Steam Deck, allowing for performance tuning to optimize power consumption and performance based on your preferences. Enjoy personalized gaming experiences!

A bheil e comasach comas stòraidh an Steam Deck a leudachadh?

Yes, you can expand the Steam Deck's storage using a MicroSD card, with storage expansion options available up to 1TB for a vast game library. Enjoy expanding your storage capacity and gaming options!

A bheil an Steam Deck a’ toirt taic do gheamannan ioma-chluiche air-loidhne?

Yes, the Steam Deck supports online gaming with improved Wi-Fi connectivity for a smooth and stable experience.

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Dealbh air Mazen 'Mithrie' Turkmani

Mazen (Mithrie) Turkmani

Tha mi air a bhith a’ cruthachadh susbaint gaming bhon Lùnastal 2013, agus chaidh mi làn-ùine ann an 2018. Bhon uairsin, tha mi air ceudan de bhideothan agus artaigilean naidheachdan geama fhoillseachadh. Tha ùidh mhòr air a bhith agam ann an gèamadh airson còrr is 30 bliadhna!

Seilbh agus Maoineachadh

Tha na làrach-lìn Gaming News le Mazen Turkmani agus air a ruith. Tha mi nam neach neo-eisimeileach agus chan eil mi nam phàirt de chompanaidh no eintiteas sam bith.


Chan eil sanasachd no taic-airgid aig aig an àm seo airson an làrach-lìn seo. Faodaidh an làrach-lìn comas a thoirt do Google Adsense san àm ri teachd. Chan eil ceangailte ri Google no buidheann naidheachdan sam bith eile.

Cleachdadh susbaint fèin-ghluasadach

Bidh a’ cleachdadh innealan AI leithid ChatGPT agus Google Gemini gus fad artaigilean àrdachadh airson barrachd leughaidh. Tha an naidheachd fhèin air a chumail ceart le lèirmheas làimhe bho Mazen Turkmani.

Taghadh naidheachdan agus taisbeanadh

Tha na sgeulachdan naidheachd air air an taghadh leam a rèir am buntainneachd don choimhearsnachd gaming. Bidh mi a’ feuchainn ris na naidheachdan a thaisbeanadh ann an dòigh chothromach agus neo-phàirteach.