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Dèan eòlas air Seirbheisean Smooth Cloud: Dàibheadh ​​​​a-steach gu GeForceNow.Com

Blogaichean Gaming | Ùghdar: Mazen (Mithrie) Turkmani Ùraichte: Jan 08, 2025 An ath- Previous

Imagine transforming your humble laptop or smartphone into a powerful gaming rig with the power of GeForce NOW Ultimate and RTX 4080 without breaking the bank. GeForce NOW provides access to a wide range of games, including AAA titles. That’s the beauty of NVIDIA’s GeForce NOW, a cloud gaming service that brings epic gaming experiences to a variety of devices. Say goodbye to hardware upgrades and hello to an ever-growing library of games you already own or can buy from popular digital stores like Steam, Epic Games Store, and Ubisoft Connect.

Na prìomh ghiùlan-bidhe

Àicheadh: Tha na ceanglaichean a tha air an toirt seachad an seo nan ceanglaichean ceangailte. Ma roghnaicheas tu an cleachdadh, is dòcha gum faigh mi coimisean bho neach-seilbh an àrd-ùrlair, gun chosgais a bharrachd dhut. Tha seo a’ cuideachadh le bhith a’ toirt taic don obair agam agus a’ leigeil leam cumail a’ toirt seachad susbaint luachmhor. Tapadh leat!

A’ lorg GeForce A-NIS: Na dh’ fheumas tu a bhith eòlach

Cairt grafaiceachd NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4080 a’ taisbeanadh an dealbhadh agus na feartan aige

Chaidh GeForce NOW a chuir air bhog an toiseach ann am beta mar an dreach Nvidia Shield ann an 2013, leis an Nvidia Corporation, le cumhachd bho theicneòlas Nvidia GeForce RTX 4080, a thug cothrom gun chrìoch do luchd-cleachdaidh air leabharlann de gheamannan air an cumail air frithealaichean Nvidia. Cha b’ ann gu 4 Gearran, 2020, nuair a bha an t-seirbheis iongantach seo ri fhaighinn don mhòr-shluagh, a’ tabhann gheamannan fuasglaidh ùra agus feartan do chluicheadairean.

The new version of GeForce NOW, a game streaming service, enables Shield users to play their own games through the exciting “Buy & Play” model, expanding their GeForce Now Library with upto 1500 games and allowing them to purchase and play games outside of the subscription service. GeForce NOW’s technology is designed to deliver optimal game performance for a seamless gaming experience.

What is GeForce Now?

GeForce Now is a revolutionary cloud gaming service developed by NVIDIA, designed to bring high-quality PC gaming to a wide range of devices. Whether you’re using a PC, Mac, Android or iOS mobile device, Chromebook, or smart TV, GeForce Now allows you to stream games with impressive frame rates and resolutions. This service is a game-changer for PC gamers who want to enjoy their favorite titles without the need for a powerful gaming rig.

With GeForce Now, you gain access to an extensive library of games, including popular titles from the Epic Games Store, PC Game Pass, and other digital stores. This means you can dive into the latest releases and timeless classics, all from the cloud. The service’s ability to stream games at high frame rates and resolutions ensures a smooth and immersive gaming experience, making it an ideal solution for gamers who want to play on devices that may not have the necessary hardware to run these games natively.

Sruth Gèam Cumhachd Cloud

Suaicheantas GeForce Now a 'riochdachadh seirbheisean cluich sgòthan

Leigidh GeForce NOW leat geamannan sruthadh a chluich gun a bhith a’ rùsgadh a-mach airson ùrachadh bathar-cruaidh daor. Is e inneal-atharrachaidh geama a th’ ann! A’ cleachdadh teicneòlas cluich sgòthan, chan eil agad ach ceangal eadar-lìn seasmhach. Seo na h-astaran eadar-lìn as ìsle a tha riatanach airson diofar rùintean gèam agus ìrean frèam:

Le cumhachd bho luchd-frithealaidh gèam Nvidia, tha GeForce A-NIS a 'dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil an eòlas as fheàrr airson na geamannan air an àrd-ùrlar. Le bhith a’ dèanamh an fheum as fheàrr den eòlas GeForce NOW agad bidh feum air ceangal Ethernet no 5GHz Wi-Fi, oir is dòcha nach lìbhrig 2.4GHz an eòlas cluich gun smal a tha luchd-gamers a’ sireadh. Dèan ullachadh airson do bhogadh ann an cruinne-cruinne farsaing GeForce A-NIS, a’ bòstadh geamannan cha mhòr gun chrìoch a tha rim faighinn. Tha àite deatamach aig teicneòlas GeForce NOW cuideachd ann a bhith a’ lughdachadh cùisean latency, a’ dèanamh cinnteach gum bi eòlas cluich nas socair don h-uile neach-cleachdaidh.

Innealan le taic agus co-fhreagarrachd

Diofar innealan a’ taisbeanadh seirbheis GeForce Now, a’ nochdadh co-chòrdalachd

GeForce NOW can be used with a variety of devices, including Android phones, tablets, and TV devices, making it a great option for PC gamers. For optimal usage of GeForce NOW, your devices should support OpenGL ES 2.0 with a minimum of 1GB system memory, and run on Android 5.0 (L) or newer versions. It also supports most Chromebooks with 4GB of RAM or more, making it accessible for PC gamers on various devices. As for hardware and system requirements themselves, a 2GHz dual-core CPU, 4GB of RAM, and integrated graphics are enough to use GeForce NOW on a PC. GeForce NOW’s compatibility with Android devices makes it an excellent choice for mobile gaming enthusiasts, enhancing the overall gaming experience.

Is e aon de na pàirtean as fheàrr mu GeForce NOW a cho-chòrdalachd leis a’ mhòr-chuid de phrìomh gamepads, nam measg:

This means you can enjoy supported games like Tom Clancy’s The Division, Rainbow Six Siege, Apex Legends, Devil May Cry 5, No Man’s Sky, Genshin Impact, The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt on GeForce NOW without missing a beat.

System Requirements and Setup

To get started with GeForce Now, you’ll need to meet certain system requirements to ensure a smooth gaming experience. The most critical factor is a fast and reliable internet connection. For 720p gaming at 60fps, a minimum speed of 5Mbps is required. For 1080p gaming at 60fps, you’ll need 25Mbps, while 35Mbps is necessary for 1080p gaming at 240fps. For the ultimate 4K gaming experience at 120fps, a 45Mbps connection is essential.

In addition to a robust internet connection, your device must meet the minimum system requirements. These include a 64-bit operating system, 4GB of RAM, and a compatible graphics card. You can easily check the system requirements on the GeForce Now website to ensure your device is ready for cloud gaming. Setting up GeForce Now is straightforward: simply download the app, log in, and start streaming your favorite games.

Ìrean Ballrachd GeForce NOW

Diofar ìrean ballrachd rim faighinn ann an seirbheis GeForce Now

Tha GeForce NOW a’ tabhann modal ballrachd sùbailte le trì roghainnean ballrachd air leth, gach fear air a dhealbhadh gus freagairt air na feumalachdan cluich agad:

  1. An-asgaidh: Tha an t-sreath seo ri fhaighinn gun chosgais sam bith agus a’ toirt cothrom àbhaisteach air seirbheis GeForce NOW.
  2. Prìomhachas ($ 9.99 / mìos): Leis a’ bhallrachd Prìomhachais, gheibh thu ruigsinneachd prìomhachais, a lughdaicheas na h-amannan feitheimh agad agus a bheir cothrom dhut luchdachadh nas luaithe gu na geamannan measail agad.
  3. Ultimate ($19.99/month): The Ultimate membership offers the highest level with the best performance and longer session lengths, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in your own games.

Bhon t-Sultain 14-17, faodaidh buill GeForce A-NIS clàradh gus The Crew Motorfest a ghabhail airson deuchainn deuchainn le deuchainn còig uairean a thìde an-asgaidh, coltach ri eòlas pas geama PC. Mar phàirt den t-seirbheis ballrachd, faodaidh buill le prìomhachas sruthadh The Crew Motorfest agus còrr air 1,600 tiotal eile aig rùn 1080p (suas ri frèamaichean 60 san diog iongantach) agus tlachd fhaighinn bho sheiseanan cluiche a mhaireas sia uairean a thìde.

Cosgais agus Prìsean

GeForce Now offers three flexible pricing tiers to cater to different gaming needs and budgets:

  1. Sreath an-asgaidh: This entry-level option provides access to a basic rig and allows for one-hour gaming sessions. It’s perfect for casual gamers who want to try out the service without any financial commitment.
  2. Priority Tier ($9.99/month): For a more premium experience, the Priority tier offers access to a rig with RTX technology, priority access to servers, and 1080p resolution at up to 60 frames per second. Game sessions can last up to six hours, making it ideal for more dedicated gamers.
  3. Ultimate Tier ($19.99/month): The Ultimate tier is designed for the most demanding gamers, offering a system with a 4080 RTX GPU that supports ultrawide monitors, 4K resolution, and up to 120fps. This tier provides the best performance and longest session lengths, ensuring an unparalleled gaming experience.

A’ dèanamh coimeas eadar GeForce Now ri farpaisich

Eadar-aghaidh Xbox Cloud Gaming a’ taisbeanadh leabharlann geama agus feartan

Fhad ‘s a tha seirbheisean eile ann leithid Xbox Cloud Gaming, agus Amazon Luna, tha GeForce A-NIS ga chuir fhèin air leth leis a’ mhodal “Thoir leat do gheama fhèin”. Faodaidh luchd-cleachdaidh:

Tha am modail sònraichte seo a’ leigeil le luchd-cleachdaidh geamannan PC a mhealtainn le bhith a’ cluich na cheannaich iad bho ghrunn stòran geama le taic, geamannan a’ toirt a-steach Stòr Geamannan Epic agus fiosan deasachaidh deimhinnte, agus geamannan ùra a bharrachd air taghadh de gheamannan an-asgaidh is ùra a mhealtainn, seach a bhith cuingealaichte ri leabharlann sònraichte de gheamannan ri chluich a bheir an t-seirbheis seachad. Tha prìsean farpaiseach GeForce NOW ga chuir air leth sa mhargaidh an cois a’ mhodail shònraichte ‘thoir do gheama fhèin’. Chì thu briseadh sìos iomlan de na seirbheisean as fheàrr an seo:

A thaobh co-chòrdalachd innealan, tha an app GeForce NOW co-ionann ris na farpaisich aige, a’ toirt taic do:

A’ togail do leabharlann GeForce NOW

Leabharlann geama farsaing ri fhaighinn air seirbheis sruthadh GeForce NOW

Creating your GeForce NOW game library to stream games is a breeze. You can connect your Epic, Steam, or Ubisoft accounts by following these steps:

  1. Cuir air bhog an app GeForce NOW.
  2. Tagh an leac Sync Your Games.
  3. Log a-steach don chunntas a tha thu ag iarraidh.
  4. Your supported games will then appear in your GeForce NOW client, giving you access to over 1,500 games, including more being released every GFN Thursday.

Tha an catalog againn a’ toirt a-steach cuid de na geamannan as mòr-chòrdte mun cuairt, leithid Fortnite, Apex Legends, agus Destiny 2. Tha iad uile rim faighinn airson cluich gun chosgais sam bith. Gu mì-fhortanach, chan eil cuid de thiotalan bho Activision Blizzard, leithid Call of Duty, Overwatch 2, agus World of Warcraft, a’ faighinn taic bho GeForce NOW. Bidh mòran de na geamannan le taic ann an leabharlann GeForce NOW a’ tabhann cluich thar-àrd-ùrlar, a’ cur ri tarraingeachd na seirbheis.

BYOG: Bring Your Own Games

One of the standout features of GeForce Now is its “Bring Your Own Games” model. This allows you to access and play your existing game libraries from various digital stores, including the Epic Games Store and PC Game Pass. Whether you own Devil May Cry 5, The Crew Motorfest, or Tom Clancy’s The Division, you can enjoy these titles on GeForce Now with enhanced performance and graphics.

GeForce Now supports over 1,500 games, including 56 games with RTX raytracing and 10 games with Reflex. This extensive library ensures that there’s something for every gamer, from blockbuster hits to indie gems. To see if your favorite games are supported, simply check the GeForce Now website. With GeForce Now, you can bring your own games and experience them like never before, all from the cloud.

Foillseachadh ùr agus prìomh thachartasan geama

Cyberpunk 2077 a’ nochdadh air na fiosan ùra aig GeForce NOW

GeForce NOW is constantly updating its library page with new releases to play and game highlights. Alongside blockbuster titles, GeForce NOW also updates its game library with a selection of popular indie games. Cyberpunk 2077, Devil May Cry 5, Gears Tactics, The Crew Motorfest, The Witcher 3 and 12 other titles have recently been added to the service. Devil May Cry 5 is a high-octane, stylish action game from Capcom that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

Tha Gears Tactics na chur-ris inntinneach eile, a’ toirt a-steach blàran aig astar luath, stèidhichte air tionndadh far am bi cluicheadairean a’ stiùireadh an sguad aca ann an sabaid ionnsaigheach is dian. Tha an Crew Motorfest na roghainn inntinneach dha luchd-cleachdaidh GeForce NOW Ultimate, a ’tabhann eòlas cluiche 5-uair an-asgaidh agus a’ dèanamh coimeas ris a ’gheama rèisidh mòr-chòrdte Forza Horizon 5.

Sruth Coileanaidh agus Càileachd

Coileanadh sruthadh àrd-inbhe de sheirbheis GeForce NOW

The GeForce NOW app prioritizes delivering high-quality streaming games with exceptional streaming quality. GeForce NOW’s streaming technology preserves the high-resolution textures of games, ensuring a visually stunning gaming experience. With up to stunning 4K resolution and reliable consistent experience across devices, you’ll feel like you’re playing on a high-end gaming rig. The service adjusts the streaming quality automatically based on your broadband connection, ensuring the best possible gaming stream experience.

For 720p gaming at 60 frames per second, the GeForce NOW app requires 5Mbps, while 25Mbps is needed for 1080p gaming at 60 frames per second. To enjoy the full benefits of 4K gaming at 120 frame rates, a 45Mbps connection is necessary. GeForce NOW maintains consistent experience across devices by running games from the cloud on servers in data centers, resulting in a seamless gaming experience regardless of the device being used.

Molaidhean airson an coileanadh as fheàrr

Iùl mu bhith a’ dèanamh an fheum as fheàrr de GeForce A-NIS airson an eòlas cluich as fheàrr

For optimal performance on gaming servers, meeting the recommended bandwidth requirements greatly enhances the streaming experience with the GeForce NOW app. The minimum recommended internet speed is 5Mbps for 720p gaming at 60fps, increasing to 45Mbps for 4K gaming at 120fps, depending on the games played. Higher internet speeds provide more headroom and can improve the overall gaming experience.

Tha an astar agad bho ionad dàta na eileamaid eile a bheir buaidh air eòlas GeForce NOW. Mar as fhaisge a tha thu air ionad dàta, is ann as ìsle a bhios an latency, a’ leantainn gu eòlas cluich nas fheàrr. Ach, faodaidh factaran eile leithid comasan eadar-lìn agus dàil seirbheis aig dàta, buaidh a thoirt air an eòlas cuideachd, agus mar sin tha e deatamach iad sin a chumail san amharc nuair a bhios tu a’ dèanamh an fheum as fheàrr den t-suidheachadh agus an dàta agad, airson GeForce NOW.

Stòr Geamannan Epic agus Pas Gèam PC

GeForce NOW has recently declared that it is now compatible with PC Game Pass, representing a notable development in the free to play and cloud gaming industry. This announcement is particularly interesting to those who have been tracking the evolution of game streaming from the beginning. As an added perk, gamers who subscribe to a 6-month GeForce NOW Ultimate plan will also receive a 3-month PC Game Pass, greatly enhancing the overall value of their cloud gaming experience.

Tha an leasachadh seo gu math cudromach. Tha GeForce NOW, a tha mar-thà co-chòrdail le àrd-ùrlaran leithid Ubisoft, Epic Games, agus Steam, a-nis a’ leudachadh a ruigsinneachd le amalachadh PC Game Pass. Tha an cur-ris seo a’ leudachadh gu mòr an raon de gheamannan ruigsinneach agus a’ leasachadh ruigsinneachd iomlan. Tha an ceum seo gu sònraichte cudromach dha luchd-gamers a tha a’ cur luach air sùbailteachd agus goireasachd seirbheisean sgòthan.

A’ leudachadh ruigsinneachd cruinne GeForce NOW

Duilleag luchdaich sìos GeForce NOW, le stiùireadh stàlaidh agus mion-fhiosrachadh bathar-bog

The GeForce NOW app is expanding its global reach, with plans to extend the service into Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Australia, making it accessible to those without a powerful pc gaming rig. The expansion plans include the deployment of international servers to ensure low-latency cloud gaming experiences worldwide. To further improve the gaming experience, NVIDIA has rolled out powerful pc gaming rig with RTX 4080 to servers in North America and Europe.

Com-pàirtichean caidreachais, leithid:

cuidich le bhith a’ dèanamh GeForce NOW ruigsinneach ann an diofar roinnean. Leis an fhoillseachadh ùr agus an làthaireachd cruinneil a tha a’ sìor fhàs, bidh e comasach dha barrachd luchd-gamers na buannachdan iongantach a tha aig GeForce NOW agus an liosta gheamannan a tha a’ sìor fhàs a mhealtainn.

Troubleshooting agus Taic

Duilleag taic GeForce NOW airson fuasgladh dhuilgheadasan agus cuideachadh

While using GeForce NOW gaming servers, users may encounter the following issues:

GeForce Now assists users with these issues through an own app and extensive knowledge base page that offers technical support, helpful tips, bug fixes, and trending support topics. Users can access help through live chat or email, ensuring they’re never left stranded with a problem while trying to stream games. GeForce NOW's user interface design is intuitive, making it easy for users to navigate to the support and troubleshooting sections.


GeForce NOW is a game-changer in the world of cloud services, offering a vast of games library, high-quality streaming, and compatibility with a wide range of devices. With its many features, unique “bring your own game” model and affordable membership tiers, GeForce NOW stands out among its competitors, providing gamers with an unparalleled experience.

Ma tha thu airson an eòlas cluich agad àrdachadh gun a bhith a’ tasgadh ann an ùrachadh bathar-cruaidh daor, is e GeForce NOW am fuasgladh. Feuch e agus fosgail saoghal de chothroman cluichidh dìreach aig do chorragan. Tha GeForce NOW a’ leantainn air adhart a’ fàs a choimhearsnachd gèam le bhith a’ tabhann cruinneachadh eadar-mheasgte de gheamannan agus sruthadh àrd-inbhe.

Ceistean Bitheanta

Dè a’ chonnspaid a th’ ann an Nvidia GeForce NOW?

Tha Nvidia air a dhol na theine airson grunn gheamannan indie a chuir air an àrd-ùrlar GeForce NOW aige gun chead an luchd-leasachaidh. Dh'adhbhraich seo ùpraid oir tha e coltach gu bheil e a’ dol an aghaidh a’ phrionnsabail gum biodh luchd-leasachaidh a’ cumail smachd air far a bheil na geamannan aca, a’ leantainn gu iarrtasan airson Nvidia an toirt air falbh.

Carson a tha geamannan air an toirt air falbh bho GeForce A-NIS?

Tha e soilleir gu bheil cuid de dhuilgheadasan aig Nvidia leis gu bheil barrachd fhoillsichearan mòra air co-dhùnadh na geamannan aca a thoirt air falbh bho GeForce A-NIS. Is e Xbox Game Studios, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, agus Codemasters an fheadhainn as ùire a dh’ ainmich nach bi iad rim faighinn tuilleadh air an t-seirbheis sruthadh geama.

A bheil GeForce A-NIS 1 uair san latha?

Tha GeForce NOW a’ tabhann diofar ìrean de ruigsinneachd tràth, le crìochan eadar-dhealaichte air fad gach seisean cluich; ge-tà, chan eil crìoch stèidhichte air an àireamh de sheiseanan as urrainn dhut tòiseachadh ann an latha. Tha an ìre an-asgaidh cuingealaichte ri uair a thìde gach seisean.

Dè na h-innealan a tha co-chòrdail ri GeForce A-NIS?

Dèan eòlas air cumhachd GeForce A-NIS air an inneal Android agad, Chromebook, inneal Tbh, no PC le co-dhiù CPU dà-cridhe 2GHz agus 4GB de RAM - leig às geamannan cumhachdach an-diugh!


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Ceanglaichean feumail

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Fiosrachadh ùghdar

Dealbh air Mazen 'Mithrie' Turkmani

Mazen (Mithrie) Turkmani

Tha mi air a bhith a’ cruthachadh susbaint gaming bhon Lùnastal 2013, agus chaidh mi làn-ùine ann an 2018. Bhon uairsin, tha mi air ceudan de bhideothan agus artaigilean naidheachdan geama fhoillseachadh. Tha ùidh mhòr air a bhith agam ann an gèamadh airson còrr is 30 bliadhna!

Seilbh agus Maoineachadh

Tha na làrach-lìn Gaming News le Mazen Turkmani agus air a ruith. Tha mi nam neach neo-eisimeileach agus chan eil mi nam phàirt de chompanaidh no eintiteas sam bith.


Chan eil sanasachd no taic-airgid aig aig an àm seo airson an làrach-lìn seo. Faodaidh an làrach-lìn comas a thoirt do Google Adsense san àm ri teachd. Chan eil ceangailte ri Google no buidheann naidheachdan sam bith eile.

Cleachdadh susbaint fèin-ghluasadach

Bidh a’ cleachdadh innealan AI leithid ChatGPT agus Google Gemini gus fad artaigilean àrdachadh airson barrachd leughaidh. Tha an naidheachd fhèin air a chumail ceart le lèirmheas làimhe bho Mazen Turkmani.

Taghadh naidheachdan agus taisbeanadh

Tha na sgeulachdan naidheachd air air an taghadh leam a rèir am buntainneachd don choimhearsnachd gaming. Bidh mi a’ feuchainn ris na naidheachdan a thaisbeanadh ann an dòigh chothromach agus neo-phàirteach.